
Monday, September 3, 2007

So, What's new about it?

Ever thought about how branding is not just restricted to product but also extending to countries and individuals. For that matter, brand is more of an experiential aspect to the physical benefit associated with a product/service. As it is intangible, formless so the possibilities are limitless.

The term
Place Branding was first coined by Simon Anholt in 2001 and was further developed by Seppo Rainisto. Place Branding/Country Branding is a concept which assumes its origin form the Romans. Although it was more of an obsession with weilding power by conquering other nations. For them, it was more about expanding their race and their resource levels by waging wars But aren't some of the best marketing strategies offshoots of war strategies? So I've also made an attempt to define Place Branding by using the journalist five star questions and defined some strategies using the war as a reference.


Place branding refers to identifying those aspects of a nation that differentiates it from others like tourism, investment,exports etc. and then developing a common theme stretching across the cross section of the population.


Because it gives a distinct identity and in this era of power defined in terms of GDP and economic potential, what better way to becoming the Soft Power Capital of the world.


Who should lead the revolution.....The decision makers or the politicians, The Business Icons, The Movie Stars. No, anybody who can make a difference, even you or me..... anybody who has ever complained about our nation and put a queston mark to his patriotism. Not convincing, just take the example of The US. Just after 9/11 the maximum sales in US were recorded for their National Flag. Understanding the SWOT of the country is essential for Branding and this requires a degree of indulgence in your nation.


Timing is essential for the success of any objective. Well, what better way to start then now, with GDP growing at 9.3% and inflation rate as low as 3.84% and a feel good factor encompassing all sectors.


Thats for you to figure out.
Keep checking this space for brand strategies
So get those grey cells working...

Check out BrandUK
for, how UK is promoting its Country Brand

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